Innovative, specialized solutions for complex insurance and risk mitigation needs
Building risk solutions for Construction Companies
Keyes brings enhanced solutions to complex construction projects all across the country. As experts in construction risk management, we are well versed in the complexities and nuances that are particular to the industry. We’ll provide industry leading, customized solutions to your next project, ensuring you are fully protected for its unique risk factors.
Case Study:
Keyes saves prominent builder both time and premium dollars.
A prominent builder for 20 plus years had a builder’s risk policy which was written on a monthly reporting form. This required a tremendous amount of time and effort by the staff to make sure all the project starts were listed to ensure coverage was provided. Unfortunately a claim happened at an unscheduled location resulting in a coverage. Keyes Coverage was brought in to evaluate the program and was able to provide a blanket form at a considerable level of premium savings.